پیر تا جمعرات | 9:00AM to 3:00PM |
جمعہ المبارک | 9:00AM to 12:30PM |
ہفتہ و اتوار | دفتر بند رہیگا |
Type | Requisite Fee (PKR) |
Gazette Fee(CD/ Gazette Book) | 500 |
Center Fee(Creation of Center) | 80000 |
Center Fee(Change of Center) | 5000 |
UFM(Apeal) | 1300 |
DMC(Grace Marks) | 300 |
Cancellation(Exam/ Result) | 3000 |
Duplicate Document Fee(Duplicate Certificate) | 1500 |
Duplicate Document Fee(Renewal of Certificate Fee) | 800 |
Duplicate Document Fee(Duplicate DMC) | 700 |
Duplicate Document Fee(Triplicate DMC ) | 2000 |
Duplicate Document Fee(Triplicate Certificate) | 3000 |
Migration Fee(Duplicate Migration Certificate) | 1000 |
Migration Fee(Revised Migration Certificate) | 1000 |
Migration Fee(Cancellation of Migration Certificate) | 1000 |
Migration Fee(Board-To-University Migration) | 1000 |
Migration Fee(Board-To-Board Migration) | 1000 |
Correction Fee(Name/ F.Name via Court Decree) | 3500 |
Correction Fee(Both Name and Father Name) | 5000 |
Correction Fee(Any of Name or Father Name) | 2500 |
Correction Fee(D.O.B via Court Decree) | 3500 |
Correction Fee(D.O.B via AWR) | 2000 |
Correction Fee(D.O.B Un-Natural Gap) | 4500 |
Verification Fee (DMC NORMAL/ per copy) | 700 |
Verification Fee (DMC FOR IBCC/ per copy) | 1000 |
Verification Fee (CERT. FOR IBCC/ per copy) | 1000 |
Verification Fee (CERT. NORMAL/ per copy) | 700 |
Enrollment Fee(Subject Change (9th)) | 300 |
Enrollment Fee(Group Change (9th)) | 800 |
Registration Fee(Subject Change (1st Year)) | 300 |
Registration Fee(Group Change (1st Year)) | 800 |
Others(Attempt Certificate Fee) | 300 |
Others(Improvement Certificate Fee) | 400 |
Others(Surety Certificate Fee) | 200 |
Submission of form along with the following required documents to BISE, Mardan for affiliation purpose
1. Application
2. Registration letter from PSRA.
3. Staff statement
4. Building map
5. Ownership/Rent Certificate
6. Laboratory Details
7. Library details
8. Furniture details
9. Fee receipt of Rs. 6000/-
Those students who got the top position in a private capacity are not entitled for Stoori da Pakhtunkhw Scholarship.
Students who pass their SSC or HSSC examination in parts will not be entitled for Stoori Da Pakhtunkhwa Scholarship Program.
SSC Level:
No. of Scholarships Top 20 Science & Top 20 Arts
Amount (Per month) Rs. 10,000/- Per student
Total Duration 24 Months (02 years)
Total Amount Rs. 240,000/-
HSSC Level (Schools &Colleges):
No. of Scholarships Top 20 Science & Top 20 Arts
Amount (Per month) Rs. 15,000/- Per student
Total Duration 24 Months (02 years)
Total Amount Rs. 360,000/-
Scholarships awarded by the Board are considered as National Talent Scholarships.
SSC Level:
No. of Scholarships Overall Top 15 Science & Top 05 Arts
Amount (Boarder student) Rs. 1,000/- Per month
Amount (Non-Boarder student) Rs. 500/- Per month
Tution Fee Rs. 200/- Per Month
Books Grant Rs. 2,000/- Per Year
HSSC Level:
No. of Scholarships Top 05 Pr-Medical, Top 05 Pre-Engineering, Top 05 General Science & Top 05 Humanities
Amount (Boarder student) Rs. 2,000/- Per month
Amount (Non-Boarder student) Rs. 1,200/- Per month
Tution Fee Rs. 200/- Per Month
Books Grant Rs. 3,000/- Per Year
No student cant take two scholarships at a time.
Students Facilitation Centre
IN BISE Mardan in front of Examination Block
There are following types of dealings in SFC:
i)Issuance of Private DMCs
ii) Issuance of private/Revised/ Duplicate Certificates
iii) Issuance of all types of Migrations
iv) Issuance of Verifications of DMC,s and Certificates
v) Issuance of Duplicate/ Revised and Retotaling DMCs
vi) Corrections of Name/ Father Name and Date of Birth
Inter Board Committee of Chairmen of all Boards in Pakistan
By submitting required documents either original or photocopies along with Bank receipt for each at window No:02 at SFC.
By submitting required documents either original or photocopies along with Bank receipt for each at window No:06 at SFC.
By providing DMC photo copy along with student or Father CNIC photo copy without any fee at window No:03 and No:04 at SFC.
By providing duplicate certificate form signed form concerned school/college, cutting of two newspaper, affidavit and Bank receipt at window No:03 at SFC.
By providing duplicate certificate form signed form concerned school/college, cutting of two newspaper, affidavit and Bank receipt at window No:03 at SFC.
By providing correction order along with original certificate and Bank receipt at window No:03 at SFC.
By providing marks improved DMC and previous original certificate with Bank receipt at window No:04 at SFC.
By providing DMC and Bank receipt at window No:04 at SFC.
By providing DMC and Bank receipt at window No:04 at SFC.
By providing Roll No Slip of candidate without any fee at window NO:10 at SFC
By submitting Bank receipt at window No:05 at SFC.
By submitting NOC from the concerned School/Colleges and Bank receipt at window No:05 at SFC.
By submitting correction order along with original DMC without fee at window No:05 at SFC.
By providing migration form, Bank receipt along with DMC photo copy and CNIC copy of candidate or father at window No:08 at SFC.
By providing migration form, Bank receipt along with DMC photo copy and CNIC copy of candidate or father at window No:08 at SFC.
By providing migration form signed from both concerned schools, Bank receipt along with DMC photo copy and CNIC copy of candidate or father at window No:08 at SFC.
By providing migration form signed from both concerned colleges, Bank receipt along with DMC photo copy and CNIC copy of candidate or father at window No:08 at SFC.
By providing migration form, affidavit of not appearing in any exam, Bank receipt along with DMC photo copy and CNIC copy of candidate or father at window No:08 at SFC.
Immediately after Examination
Audit-Bill Section BISE Mardan in Person
Yes. Bill gets time-barred after lapse of 06 months.
Yes. Following must be attached with the Bill
1. Duty Order
2. Pay-Slip (latest)
3. CNIC (Copy)
4. Car registration copy (in case of Inspection Bill claiming personal car charges)
Audit-Bill may be contacted for updates please.
Payment is made by disbursing the amount to their respective accounts online.
The Board has specified the following procedure for the correction of such particulars of the applicants.
- Correction through Admission Withdrawal Register (A.W.R)
- Minor Correction
- Vowel Correction
- Correction through Court Decree
If the mistake is due to Clerical mistake/transfer of record from one school to another or from School to Board, correction is made in the Board record by providing original Admission Withdrawal Register(s) complete in all respect for physical verification, prescribed fee and an attested photo copy of the concerned page and a covering letter duly signed by the Head of the institution along with submission of application form available on website.
In order to facilitate the candidates, the Board has allowed minor change in the name, father's name. i.e. addition/deletion of Caste/Tribe in the name, father's name i.e. JAN, KHAN, etc. The legal formalities for the above changes are:
- Attestation of Correction Form from the School/Institution last attended.
- Affidavit on stamp paper duly countersigned by the Oath Commissioner
- Prescribed Fee
- Photo copy of the documents and Copy of CNIC.
The Board allows correction of vowel mistake provided that such correction may not result change in nomenclature of name or father name. The legal procedures for the above changes are:
- Correction Form.
- Prescribed Fee
- Original and photo copy of the documents.
- Copy of CNIC.
The particulars that do not come in the specified rules (e.g. AWR, Minor or Vowel correction) will be changed by provision of Court Decree for fundamental changes in Name, Father's Name or Date of Birth after the completion of all legal formalities i.e.
- Correction Form.
- Copy of the Attested Court Decree
- Prescribed Fee
- Photo copies of documents.
- Copy of CNIC.